
Ayurveda is the beautiful life science that teaches us to live our life in accordance to the cycles of nature. Nature is our home in this physical world and its treasures may serve us for healing, medicine and nourishment. In Ayurveda, there is a big focus on the use of herbs used for cooking to enhance […]
4 powerful affirmations for body love and self-care.Our body is the physical shelter of our soul and the vehicle that helps us navigate in this physical world. If we understood just how amazing it is and the functions it has, we could truly learn to appreciate and honour it. Comparing our body to that of […]
Understanding intuition vs ego. How to know the guidance from within. One question I often get asked by my students when I teach yoga philosophy is how can we tell if the inner guidance we receive is intuitive or from the ego. I’m sure most of us have received intuitive nudges at times, actually we […]
We can always choose to be happy and feel good. Both of these can take some effort but if we pay attention to our daily habits and the way we think, we can identify what helps us to feel at our best and what drains our energy. Each one of us has positive and negative […]
How to avoid turning confidence into arrogance. Learn how to develop self-belief in humbleness. There is a very clear line between self-confidence and arrogance. One is associated with believing in ourselves, and the other is seeing ourselves above everything/everyone else. Both require the use of ego, but self-confidence stems from knowing our worth and embracing […]
How to make the most of the New Moon energy with 3 important questions to ask yourself. New moons always bring an opportunity for something new to enter our life. We are the creators of our experiences and when we co-create with Divine infinite source, we are in alignment and everything can come to creation […]
Learn more about the incredible benefits of rose petal tea. This is by far one of my favourite teas. I discovered this amazing tea over a decade ago, when I was studying Ayurveda and have been a fan ever since. Rose buds can also be used, they are essentially the same but rose buds are […]
A gentle yoga practice for stress relief and feeling burnout. This is a beautiful and gentle restorative yoga practice which may help to relax the body and mind. It focuses primarily on two main energy centres, Swadisthana (the sacral chakra) and Anahata (the heart chakra). Both of these have influence on our emotional states and […]
Welcome the new month feeling good, focused and strong. March has arrived with plenty of good energy and productivity. Every month has its own vibe and if we are in tune with nature, we can feel inspired to follow its natural cycles which helps us to flow with the rhythm of life.The full moon of […]
A look at how we can learn to embrace our emotions and live in harmony. Emotions are important parts of who we are in this physical life that provide us with information on what is happening internally. If we pay attention carefully, with observation and patience, we can become accepting of these with an understanding […]