
7 food mistakes we can make according to Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a beautiful life science that provides us with so much knowledge on different practices to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The main aim of Ayurveda is give us the tools and practices to live in harmony with nature’s cycles, eating wholesome foods and […]
Learn more about Prasarita Padottanasana with the variations A, B, C & D. Prasaritta Padottanasana known in English as standing wide-legged forward fold, is a beautiful asana that helps us to develop grounding and stability. As a standing posture, it activates Muladhara, the root chakra which represents the foundation of our practice on the mat, […]
My super quick and easy baked chickpea flour falafel recipe.Falafel is such an incredible food and I eat a lot of it. I find it a highly nutritious food (when prepared well and not fried in unhealthy oil of course). This quick and easy baked falafel recipe is made with chickpea flour and it is […]
Practices and affirmations for the April full moon in Libra. Welcome the full moon with love and joy. The full moon is almost here and those who are sensitive to energy can probably already feel it. Full moons are definitely a time when resistance and tension of any kind can be experienced. Not only because […]
Ayurveda is the beautiful life science that teaches us to live our life in accordance to the cycles of nature. Nature is our home in this physical world and its treasures may serve us for healing, medicine and nourishment. In Ayurveda, there is a big focus on the use of herbs used for cooking to enhance […]
A zesty 3 ingredients chia seeds breakfast recipe made. This is a quick and easy overnight prep breakfast idea with only 3 ingredients. Chia seeds provide omega 3 fatty acids and are a source of fibre which helps support digestion. Lemon peel is high in Vitamin C and has a heating quality, which helps to […]
4 powerful affirmations for body love and self-care.Our body is the physical shelter of our soul and the vehicle that helps us navigate in this physical world. If we understood just how amazing it is and the functions it has, we could truly learn to appreciate and honour it. Comparing our body to that of […]
Understanding intuition vs ego. How to know the guidance from within. One question I often get asked by my students when I teach yoga philosophy is how can we tell if the inner guidance we receive is intuitive or from the ego. I’m sure most of us have received intuitive nudges at times, actually we […]
We can always choose to be happy and feel good. Both of these can take some effort but if we pay attention to our daily habits and the way we think, we can identify what helps us to feel at our best and what drains our energy. Each one of us has positive and negative […]
Treat yourself to some sweetness with these vegan walnut cacao cookies ready in just 15 minutes! These cookies are simply incredible! They are vegan, gluten-free and have no added or refined sugar. This is a quick and easy recipe, ready in 15 minutes. They can actually be either baked or chilled. They don’t really need […]