
Life is full of ups and downs. The constant shift between the two polar energies of yin and yang, feminine and masculine, of up and down, light and dark, happiness and suffering etc are all part of the natural rhythm of life. In the yoga philosophy, Sri Patanjali defines yoga as “Yogah citta vritti nirodha” which […]
When it comes to the wellbeing of our skin, there are many factors to take in consideration which can have an effect on it. First our diet and what we eat on a daily basis; wholesome, nourishing food vs processed and tamastic food. Then our environment, because living in a crowded, busy city vs in […]
New moons are always an invitation to a new beginning. This can be a big change such as a relocation, ending or starting a partnership, changing a career etc; or it can be a smaller change such as implementing a new health and wellness habit in your life, changing your look, redecorating your home space […]
Understanding the connection between Ayurveda and Yoga can bring us closer to connecting with both in our daily life. I will try to simplify this post because there is so much information about both systems. However I will focus on the main points and a small introduction to both so that it is (hopefully) clear […]
Living a positive, healthier lifestyle is a personal journey and it can look different for each one of us. I define healthy living as engaging in routines, behaviours and relationships that bring harmony to our physical, mental and emotional self.It is indeed a journey of self-discovery and learning about ourselves in the process. We must […]
Get your morning culinary inspiration with these 7 tasty easy vegan and gluten free breakfast ideas…When it comes to breakfast, I cannot resist it. Those who say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, must definitely be Pitta predominant dosh individuals because we love it, need it and plan it from the night […]
One of the most beautiful aspects of yoga is that it is a complete life philosophy (in my opinion). Through continuous daily practice we can learn, understand and experience it. The practice is not limited to the mat, asana is just one of the “tools” we can use. Actually the true wisdom of yoga is […]
Full moons are always a bitter sweet experience because they always bring some sort of challenge. But without a little reality check, we cannot grow and progress. This weekend’s full moon is in the sign of Leo, the king of the jungle, the fire starter. It brings a strong energy to focus on healing & opening […]
Constructive criticism or feedback are essential for our self-development and growth. Although at times it can be difficult to take on board, it’s important to recognize the value feedback brings to your circumstances. Every action that you take in life has a reaction, and this in turn is the feedback received. We can get feedback […]
It’s there and then it disappears… Motivation is a state of mind and a lifestyle in my opinion. Whenever you set any goals you will no doubt encounter setbacks, so it’s important to look at motivation as something that becomes part of your everyday routine. Just as we exercise for our bodies to keep fit […]