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Category: Uncategorized

Mar 21
Developing compassion according to yoga philosophy

How to develop compassion according to yoga philosophy.  Socrates once wrote that “The people who are the hardest to love, need it the most”. At times, when we come across a person who is more “difficult to interact” with, there is judgement created. Often people who seem the toughest on the outside, are indeed the ones who […]

Mar 20
8 yoga asana variations using the chair

Yoga asanas variations using the chair .​Using the chair as a prop for our practice can be super useful. The chair is often used and part of the Iyengar practice style, which always focuses on alignment and steadiness in an asana. This is actually what asana practice is about, finding our steadiness of posture and mind, […]

Mar 19
Self-confidence vs arrogance. How to develop self-belief in humbleness

How to avoid turning confidence into arrogance. Learn how to develop self-belief in humbleness. There is a very clear line between self-confidence and arrogance. One is associated with believing in ourselves, and the other is seeing ourselves above everything/everyone else. Both require the use of ego, but self-confidence stems from knowing our worth and embracing […]

Mar 18
3 important questions to ask yourself on new moon days

How to make the most of the New Moon energy with 3 important questions to ask yourself. ​New moons always bring an opportunity for something new to enter our life. We are the creators of our experiences and when we co-create with Divine infinite source, we are in alignment and everything can come to creation […]

Mar 16
5 amazing benefits of rose petal tea

Learn more about the incredible benefits of rose petal tea. ​This is by far one of my favourite teas. I discovered this amazing tea over a decade ago, when I was studying Ayurveda and have been a fan ever since. Rose buds can also be used, they are essentially the same but rose buds are […]

Mar 13
A gentle restorative yoga practice for stress relief and burnout

A gentle yoga practice for stress relief and feeling burnout. This is a beautiful and gentle restorative yoga practice which may help to relax the body and mind. It focuses primarily on two main energy centres, Swadisthana (the sacral chakra) and Anahata (the heart chakra). Both of these have influence on our emotional states and […]

Mar 11
Vegan coconut lentil curry with Ayurvedic spices

Enjoy a super easy to make vegan coconut lentil curry. A delicious and highly nutritious curry made with loads of Ayurvedic spices and protein filled lentils, served with Basmati rice.This is the perfect dinner recipe for a cozy night in, to kindle the agni (digestive fire) and soothe the digestive organs. All the spices used […]

Mar 05
Practicing Satya in daily life. A look at living in truthfulness according to the Yoga Philosophy

Explore the meaning of Satya and living in truthfulness according to Yoga Philosophy. In the Ashtanga eightfold path/8 limbs of yoga by Patanjali, the second of the Yamas (social behavioural conduct) is Satya, truthfulness.​Satya is a Sankrit word which can be linked with the meaning of truthfulness. Following the first of the yamas which is […]

Mar 02
The 3 states of Chitta. Understanding the mind stuff according to the yoga philosophy

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali provides clear information on what yoga is and its practices. As one of the most popular texts for yoga teachers and yogi aspirants who want to reach self-realisation, the Yoga Sutras is comprised in 4 different sections, each one offering information on the different levels and ways of practice, explaining […]

Mar 01
3 Ways to welcome this new month feeling good, focused and strong

Welcome the new month feeling good, focused and strong. March has arrived with plenty of good energy and productivity. Every month has its own vibe and if we are in tune with nature, we can feel inspired to follow its natural cycles which helps us to flow with the rhythm of life.​The full moon of […]