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Category: Uncategorized

Jun 25
What you need to know about weight loss

I am a firm believer in living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. When it comes to weight-loss, this is a complex topic and each person approaches it differently. Unless it is advised by a medical practitioner, dietician or a certified expert, we should focus on our wellbeing as a whole (mentally, physically, emotionally) LEARN TO […]

Jun 15
Introducing gratitude in your life

The way you choose to start your day will determine how you will feel for the rest of it. The truth it most of us are completely aware of how important it is to prioritise our well-being, but sometimes don’t really know where to start. If life has been giving you lemons lately and you […]

Mar 08
How to see the bigger picture

When I was a little girl my mum used to tell me that I can do anything I put my mind to. She would ask me to close my eyes and imagine that I have everything I ever wanted. At the time, of course I wanted the latest Barbie doll, a house for it and […]

Jan 06
How to succeed at everything you do

Have you ever felt that deep burning desire within you to do something great? You felt it everywhere, in your bones, in your flesh; your mind would be pumping with ideas of what you could do, your heart would beat faster because you know how it would feel to be amazing at something, to create, […]

Dec 30
The key to successful relationships

In this day and age it’s almost impossible not to get caught up in an emotional state of desiring some form of romantic connection to somebody. From a very young age, many of us were taught that succeeding at life is defined by finding a partner, settling down and starting a family. Society continues to feed us […]

Dec 29
4 steps to successful networking

Remember the saying “It’s not what you know, but who you know”? Well to be completely honest with you, it’s kinda true. You can be the best at something, but if you don’t know how to put yourself out there or get social with the right people, it’s quite hard to share your talent with […]

Jul 15
What are self-limiting beliefs and how to eliminate them

Self-limiting beliefs are exactly what they say they are: self-created beliefs that limit you from reaching greater things in your life. The important aspect to take in consideration is that almost everybody in this world will have them.  I say almost because some have been brave enough to reach within and break the pattern of […]

Jul 09
15 ways to a happier life

People take life a bit too seriously sometimes, including myself. We tend to read too much into things and make a big deal out of everything. We worry about the most insignificant minute details, those that don’t even matter really. And the biggest one is that we can often develop a pattern of negative thinking […]

Jul 05

Once upon a time, in a crowded, trendy kingdom, there was a princess. She had the most amazing wardrobe and plenty of dreams. She was different from the rest and made her own rules.  Everybody around her was waiting impatiently for her to find her prince and become a queen. Many came to visit her; […]

Jun 27

We live such busy lives that we often don’t realize how stressed we really are. Failing to do so will result in potential exhaustion, anxiety, depression and even physical illness. There is a reason why stress is sometimes referred to as the silent killer. Your mind has the ability to withstand a lot more than […]