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Jul 19
Juices to balance your Ayurveda dosha

Freshly squeezed juices are a great and effective way to feed our body with the vitamins and nutrients. Knowing which fruits and vegetables are best suited for our predominant Ayurveda dosha can benefit our overall wellness and aid to a healthier digestion.  VATA JUICENourishing and warming Vegetables and fruits such as beetroot, peaches, bananas and […]

Jun 14
The emotional journey of yoga backbends

​Explore the journey of backbending yoga asanas. The practice of yoga constantly reveals to us a new beginning. As we allow ourselves to let go and feel free in the physical body, we also start to experience clarity of mind. And if we are brave enough to completely trust the process of our asana practice, […]

Mar 27
50 life lessons to live by

1. Make peace with your past. What has happened already is gone. Learn from those experiences and add them to your wisdom in the present actions you take. 2. It’s ok to be single. Date, take your time to love and enjoy yourself and focus on you. The more you align your energy and create happiness for yourself, […]

Mar 04
How to deal with Mercury retrograde

This month we once again welcome the arrival of the Mercury in retrograde. This is one of those astrological events we hear so much negative talk about, but in all honesty, it serves a purpose. One interesting thing I have noticed during this period, that even skeptics of astrology, during this period would complain about […]

Feb 23

One of the most beautiful aspects about life is that you can always reinvent yourself. Through all the different experiences life brings for you, you learn to explore all parts of you and rediscover yourself over and over again. The truth is we are always evolving and although we can have a clear idea on […]

Feb 13
Kapha dosha pacifying foods

​A Kapha pacifying diet requires a balance of warming, dry and light foods. People with a predominant Kapha dosha usually have a slow and sluggish digestion. This is because the Kapha elements of water and earth make Kapha predominantly heavy, steady, moist, sluggish and slow. It takes them longer to digest food and they tend […]

Feb 01
Pitta dosha pacifying foods

A Pitta pacifying diet needs to provide the Pitta dosha a refreshing, cooling feeling. The Pitta agni/digestive fire is strong therefore people with predominant Pitta dosha usually have good digestion and a strong appetite. You know you’ve got Pitta in you because breakfast is a must. Those with predominant Pitta dosha cannot skip their meals because they […]

Jan 27
Vata dosha pacifying foods

A Vata pacifying diet must provide this Ayurvedic body type nourishment and warmth. As its qualities are dry, cold, light, rough and changeable due to its elements air and space Vata needs a daily meal lifestyle which balances out these qualities. Adding the appropriate Vata pacifying spices will also help with a balanced digestion, but it’s […]

Jan 17
Which type of physical exercise is best for your Ayurveda dosha?

Physical exercise help us to keep moving, maintain a healthy weight and feel great in general. If we take in consideration the three Ayurvedic body constitutions, we will see that each one is represent by different elements therefore their qualities vary. Each one has different needs to keep the body healthy and balanced. So which […]

Jan 12
Which vegetables should you eat based on your Ayurveda body constitution?

Vegetables are an important part of our diet but having the right ones for your predominant dosha type body is even more important. If you don’t know your dosha, click here to take the test. Ayurveda looks at each individual based on the body constitution of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, all represented by the universal elements of […]