
This delicious stewed spiced apples dish is an Ayurvedic recipe, usually taken at breakfast. Although it can also make a wonderful healthy dessert. I first had this delicious dish when I was studying to become an Ayurvedic practitioner, over a decade ago. It is still one of my favourites. This vegan recipe is quick and easy […]
When it comes to Ayurvedic cooking, the use of herbs and spices is a must. This beautiful life science teaches us how important taste and flavour is in the foods we eat. The taste is what gets our digestive organs “excited” and start the agni (digestive fire). Aside from taste and flavour, we use spices […]
Kitchari is one of the most popular Ayurvedic dishes. It is a highly nutritious meal, often used in Ayurvedic detox treatments. In India, some locals there told me it is considered the food to eat when you feel unwell because it is so nourishing, easy to prepare and to digest.Kitchari can be made in different […]
We often think of self-care as a pampering regime, and this is true to an extent. Whatever makes us feel good and relaxed can fall into this category. A massage, a spa day, having a nap etc are all great ways to incorporate more self-care into our life. These however take time and sometimes require […]
Ayurveda teaches us to get to know ourselves better through maintaining a healthy lifestyle which best supports our predominant dosha. Whilst some can sound “healthy”, they might not be congruent with our Ayurvedic body constitution. Learn about some the do’s and don’ts of each dosha. KAPHA Represented by the elements of water and earth, Kapha predominant individuals […]
Freshly squeezed juices are a great and effective way to feed our body with the vitamins and nutrients. Knowing which fruits and vegetables are best suited for our predominant Ayurveda dosha can benefit our overall wellness and aid to a healthier digestion. VATA JUICENourishing and warming Vegetables and fruits such as beetroot, peaches, bananas and […]
A Kapha pacifying diet requires a balance of warming, dry and light foods. People with a predominant Kapha dosha usually have a slow and sluggish digestion. This is because the Kapha elements of water and earth make Kapha predominantly heavy, steady, moist, sluggish and slow. It takes them longer to digest food and they tend […]
A Pitta pacifying diet needs to provide the Pitta dosha a refreshing, cooling feeling. The Pitta agni/digestive fire is strong therefore people with predominant Pitta dosha usually have good digestion and a strong appetite. You know you’ve got Pitta in you because breakfast is a must. Those with predominant Pitta dosha cannot skip their meals because they […]
A Vata pacifying diet must provide this Ayurvedic body type nourishment and warmth. As its qualities are dry, cold, light, rough and changeable due to its elements air and space Vata needs a daily meal lifestyle which balances out these qualities. Adding the appropriate Vata pacifying spices will also help with a balanced digestion, but it’s […]
Physical exercise help us to keep moving, maintain a healthy weight and feel great in general. If we take in consideration the three Ayurvedic body constitutions, we will see that each one is represent by different elements therefore their qualities vary. Each one has different needs to keep the body healthy and balanced. So which […]