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Category: Uncategorized

Oct 25
3 Important aspects to consider when practicing backbend asanas

Learn about the 3 important aspects to consider when practicing backbend asanas. Back-bending asanas can definitely look beautiful, but they require a lot of hard work. It’s important to take in consideration that every physical body has its own natural abilities & limitations. Some people are naturally more flexible than others. They might be able to almost […]

Oct 23
6 ways to clear the energy in your home

Our home is supposed to be the space we feel safe in, calm and free. This is our shelter away from the external environment. Our home becomes a reflection of our character, interests, needs, personality, habits etc; but also of our emotional states and feelings. Therefore the energy in our home can also change depending […]

Oct 21
5 powerful affirmations to help inspire and transform your life

Life is full of ups and downs. The constant shift between the two polar energies of yin and yang, feminine and masculine, of up and down, light and dark, happiness and suffering etc are all part of the natural rhythm of life. ​In the yoga philosophy, Sri Patanjali defines yoga as “Yogah citta vritti nirodha” which […]

Oct 19
The 6 qualities for success in Yoga Part 2

Part 2 blog series of the 6 qualities for success in yoga as described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. In the last post I introduced the first three qualities for success in Yoga. To emphasise again on the word “success”, it is not necessarily used to describe an achievement or outcome, but its meaning can symbolise one […]

Oct 16
The 6 qualities for success in Yoga Part 1

The 6 qualities needed for success in yoga as presented in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the oldest and most in depth texts of Hatha Yoga. It was compiled and created by Swami Swatmarama in approximately the 15th century. Here, we can get an understanding of many yogic practices which […]

Oct 11
Ayurvedic tips for happy glowy skin

When it comes to the wellbeing of our skin, there are many factors to take in consideration which can have an effect on it. First our diet and what we eat on a daily basis; wholesome, nourishing food vs processed and tamastic food. Then our environment, because living in a crowded, busy city vs in […]

Oct 05
A gentle and restorative Yoga practice for the October full moon

Embrace the lunar powerful with this gentle and restorative yoga sequence for the October full moon. On the 9th of October, we have the Aries full moon. This energy is said to be all about healing, forgiveness and accepting the flow of all that is, but also connecting with our inner power and drive to […]

Oct 02
How to bring the Yoga Philosophy on the mat in your asana practice

Asana practice is perhaps the most commonly known forms of yoga worldwide from the whole yoga philosophy. It is part of the Raja yoga path by Sage Patanjali, as the third limb amongst the eight. Although asana practice is a powerful tool we have available in our life, the way we practice it matters. Our […]

Oct 01
Why is this October so special and how can you make the most of it

Every start of a new month gives us the space to begin something new. Of course we don’t need to wait until this to do so, but it is a bonus when we align with the cycles of the year. This October is a little extra special numerology wise because it starts with very powerful […]

Sep 28
How the 4 paths of yoga teach us to embrace change in life

Yoga as a philosophy is much more complex and goes beyond our practice on the mat. The philosophy presents us with four paths (karma, bhakti, raja, jnana) which we can choose based on our character and temperament, to take us on a spiritual journey towards self-knowledge. Although these paths are different in their practices, they […]