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Category: Uncategorized

Oct 12
How to channel your feminine energy

We are in an evolving stage within society, where women are finally starting to be given the opportunity to shine for their abilities. We see more women CEO’s now than ever, single mums doing an amazing job, successful female athletes and so on. It’s a wonderful thing to see that we are “allowed”/free to express […]

Oct 09
3 ways to practice mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is not the easiest thing to do especially since most of us are living in a rush, always planning for the next thing ahead. Very rarely, we allow ourselves to just be still, in the moment, with no thoughts of the past or pressure of the future. It’s not our fault, in a […]

Sep 25
Living mindfully and walking into the unknown

Six months ago I decided to give up most of my material possessions and embark on a new journey into the unknown. I am a firm believer in taking chances and living life to the fullest and I wanted to try something new; something that would get me out of my comfort zone completely; something […]

Sep 22
3 ways to channel the full moon energy

Full moons occur when the sun and the moon are opposing, bringing the reflection of the sun onto the moon which creates the light. The moon represents the internal world, a more introverted approach; it is cooling and governs the feminine energy. The sun is about external expression, brightness, being open and light; it is […]

Aug 27
What are the yoga props?

Whether you are new to asana practice or have been incorporating in your lifestyle for some time, it’s important to know what are the yoga props and how to use them. I used to think that using props meant that I was not going into the pose deep enough, but actually props can bring many […]

Aug 26
Learning to surrender through yoga

Is it pain or is it you resisting?Through the years, I have learnt so much from my yoga practice. Sometimes the body goes deeper, other times it feels tenser. My daily yoga practice teaches me to nurture myself more, to give love to all parts of my body, to accept that not every day is […]

Aug 24
What is restorative yoga?

Yoga focuses on the connection between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the self and it is a deeply personal practice. Through the asana practice we can experience all of this if our practice is consistent and mindful. Finding the most suitable type of asana practice for you is very important because there […]

Aug 19
5 Things you need to know about yoga before you start

Yoga is a personal practice in which we connect all parts of our self, the physical, mental and spiritual bodies together. Although commonly known for the asanas/poses, yoga takes you much deeper. The more you practice and keep consistency, you will really get to understand yourself on a more profound level. The benefits of yoga […]

Aug 13
Why we meet the people we do

People come and go, but trust there is a reason for every individual you have come across in your lifetime. The connection made between the souls during the bond has created an impact in your life. Sometimes this could have been something that has completely changed your life, whilst in other cases it may have […]

Jul 01
Love the skin you’re in

I once read an article about the new female “ideal” body. I couldn’t help but feel slightly annoyed over this. How is it that there is an ideal shape that as women we should strive towards? Isn’t it absurd that after decades of fighting for our rights, yet again there is something to differentiate ourselves […]