
One of the most beautiful aspects about life is that you can always reinvent yourself. Through all the different experiences life brings for you, you learn to explore all parts of you and rediscover yourself over and over again. The truth is we are always evolving and although we can have a clear idea on who we are, life teaches us that we can change and that we must be open to it. And this is good, it’s how we grow and progress through life.
I recently discovered a great way to spend some quality time with myself and get to know who I have become. I love journaling, but I wanted to take it a step further. So I came up with a “me inventory” which can be practiced by everyone. It’s an easy way to see where you are at in this moment and remind yourself of all your dreams, aspirations and the greatness you possess within. It’s like speed dating yourself really, a fun and light hearted way to hit refresh mentally, physically and emotionally and discover yourself again.
Dedicate some time for yourself, make a nice cup of coffee or tea, get in your comfys and embrace YOU.
1. What is your favourite colour?
2. What is your go to snack?
3. Something you cannot live without…
4. Something you never leave the house without….
5. A habit or object you can easily give up…
6. What is our favour part of your body?
7. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
8. What is your favourite fitness exercise?
9. What is something that always makes you feel good?
10. What helps you relax?
11. What is something you wish you could do more of?
12. What is your life motto/mantra?
13. Who is somebody you always turn to when you have a problem or need advice?
14. What is your favourite season and why?
15. What is your favourite song?
16. What is a habit you love to do and why?
17. How do you best express yourself creatively?
18. Name 3 people who inspire you and write 3 qualities about each one as to why…
19. Your favourite fashion trend…
20. A fashion trend you detest…
21. How would you describe your personal style?
22. What is your favourite animal?
23. Favourite social media channel…
24. If you were a politician, what law would you bring in the world/what change would introduce for better?
25. What inspires you in life?
26. What is something people don’t know about you?
27. How would others describe you when they first meet you?
28. What is your pet peeve?
29. Phobia…
30. If you could do anything/career wise, what would it be and why?
31. Name three people in your life you love and write down 3 qualities about them that you appreciate…
32. What is your greatest fear in life?
33. Who is your ideal life partner? Write down the qualities that are important to you…
34. Your best qualities…(name 5)
35. Your not so good qualities…(name a few)
36. If you could go back in time to an experience in your life, what would you do differently and why?
37. Going back to that experience, what did you learn from it?
38. If you could give your 20-year-old self some life advice, what would it be?
39. Your biggest achievement in life so far is…
40. You in the near future…How do you envision your life to be?
41. Hidden or greatest talent…
42. What is one country on your “must see” list?
43. Your favourite city is…
44. Your all-time favourite movie is…
45. The TV show you can watch over and over again…
46. Your favourite drink is…
47. First thing you always do when you wake up in the morning…
48. Favourite hobby…
49. Write in order of preference: beach, mountain, forest
50. Your ideal Friday night is…
51. This always helps me relax…
52. When in love, I am….(write a few qualities)
53. If my life was a movie, it would be called… (name a few characters who would play an important role in it and why)
54. If today was my last day on Earth, I would…
55. A habit I would like to do more of this year is…