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Category: Uncategorized

Nov 20
7 reminders for staying joyful

A list of 7 reminders for staying joyful and content with life and its moments.​Life is certainly a rhythm of events that go all sorts of ways. We might understand it better if we allowed ourselves to trust and to flow with all that comes. But of course we have been conditioned from a young […]

Nov 17
Asana practice for monthly cycle

A gentle asana practice for monthly cycle. During our monthly cycle, a lot is happening in the body. Our system is cleansing itself, therefore during this time, according to Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga), we can focus on doing less/more gentle physical or external effort in general so that we don’t disrupt the flow […]

Nov 17
Delicious Ayurvedic inspired cookies

The festive season is approaching and this means lots of delicious treats in the making. These Ayurvedic inspired cookies are not necessarily the sweetest because as most of you know, most of my recipes have no added sugar. But to give them a sweeter taste, I used dates and cinnamon. And for a dessert type […]

Nov 14
4 Relaxing Yoga asanas to practice before sleep

Relax with these 4 beautiful yoga asanas to practice before sleep. ​Sleeping well is so important for our overall wellbeing. When we get a good night quality sleep, we naturally wake up feeling more calm, balanced and ready for the day. Practicing some gentle or restorative yoga asanas can help to calm the mind and […]

Nov 12
What is Santosha in Yoga Philosophy and how can we practice it in life?

In Raja yoga, the 8 limbs of yoga are the steps Sri Patanjali suggests to take for those longing for Moksha/liberation from the ego and attachment to the physical self. The second limb, known as the Nyamas refers to the personal behaviours that we should practice according to Patanjali on the spiritual yogic path.  The 5 Nyamas […]

Nov 11
How to discover and understand your primary Ayurvedic dosha

Ayurveda is a beautiful life science that resembles a holistic lifestyle of wellness and maintaining health. This is done by understanding our natural cycles, behaviours, tendencies, digestion type and much more. These all come down to the primary Ayurveda dosha of a person. According to Ayurveda, every person has a unique Ayurveda constitution from birth, […]

Nov 11
3 Ingredients relaxing DIY body exfoliator

A lovely skin treat with this 3 ingredients relaxing DIY body exfoliator. ​I’ve been making my own body exfoliation/scrubs for a long time. I know there are many great products out there, but I love the idea of customising my weekly exfoliation routine based on how I feel. In general, I use raw brown sugar […]

Oct 30
3 Delicious and nourishing smoothie recipes

Start your day with one of these 3 delicious and nourishing smoothie recipes. Smoothies are a good choice for loading up on vitamins and minerals. They’re ideal as a quick breakfast on the go or for a healthy energy boost during the day. Although according to Ayurveda it is not ideal to blend food because […]

Oct 30
How to structure a yoga asana practice

Learn how to sequence a balanced yoga asana practice. ​Knowing how to sequence an asana class is important for many reasons, the main one being safety. There are some key aspects to always take in consideration to gradually take the body into the journey of HA THA – union of the dual energies, the feminine […]

Oct 28
7 Arm balancing yoga asanas using yoga blocks

A supportive approach to 7 arm balancing asanas using yoga blocks.​Arm balancing asanas can be a little challenging at first, but when attempting them from a place of humbleness and not ego, it can become a more accessible journey. For sure strength is required to get into and find steadiness in arm balances, and this […]