
One of the most important aspects of a yogic lifestyle is discipline and creating a daily yoga routine that you will actually stick with requires commitment. Life is busy and we tend to fill our days with so many different activities, some useful, some not. But our wellbeing should always be a priority. If we feel […]
Yin and restorative yoga are often confused as being the same style of practice. Both practices are created to channel in the yin energy, which is the more calm, receptive and passive. They both help to calm the nervous system and bring stillness to the body and mind, holding the asana for longer, releasing resistance […]
Partner or buddy asana practice is a great way to connect with your partner, friends or loved ones. There is something magical when we share the practice with others and receive support into the asanas.Partner asana practice helps two people connect on a deeper level, cultivating patience with one another, trust and acceptance. Here are […]
As the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda is based on 3 different constitutions (doshas) which determine a person’s individual nature (physically, mentally and emotionally). The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha and each one is represented by 2 of the 5 universal elements. As yoga and Ayurveda go together, below are the style of […]
Asana practice can teach us a lot more than just focusing on our physical ability. Although it is a part of the yoga philosophy, practicing asanas can bring us in closer connection to our true essence and away from our daily distractions. Whilst there are many different styles now accessible to us, and we see […]
Whether you are new to yoga or you have already established a committed practice, it is useful to know and understand the different styles of asana practice. Firstly, it’s important to know that when a person says “I do yoga” it doesn’t necessarily have to refer to physical postures (asanas). Yoga is a lifestyle and […]
When it comes to healthy digestion, what we put in our body as well as how we move play an important role. Aside from having a balanced diet, enough daily water intake and good sleeping habits, physical movement and exercise are also necessary. Yoga comes with many physical and therapeutic benefits, and one is certainly healthy […]
The path toward self-realisation is different for everybody. All individuals have their own unique character and personality with which they explore this physical world. Through the practice of yoga, one can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and get to know their true nature. The yoga journey is an everlasting exploration of the self through […]
Getting into arm balancing asanas can be intimidating at first. They require a lot of strength and mental focus. As with every yoga posture, it’s important to understand what happens in the body during the pose and ensure you follow the correct alignment. This will provide you with the ability to get into the asana […]
The full moon in Aquarius happening on August 15th can bring an intense energy and shift. This particular full moon opposes the sun which is in Leo. As the Aquarius is an air sign, this is about mental activity and thinking. The Leo is a fire sign and it rules the heart, so it’s all […]