
When it comes to Ayurvedic cooking, the use of herbs and spices is a must. This beautiful life science teaches us how important taste and flavour is in the foods we eat. The taste is what gets our digestive organs “excited” and start the agni (digestive fire). Aside from taste and flavour, we use spices […]
If you are an avocado lover, then you will probably love this stuffed avocado & Ayurvedic spices dish. I really enjoyed making this delicious meal, with so much flavour and colourful vegetables. It is very easy to prepare and cook, but take your time with it. In Ayurveda, the process of preparing the food and […]
The ultimate superfood bite sized snack to give you energy, a good source of antioxidants and power through the day! These superfood energy balls are seriously amazing! They only have 6 ingredients, don’t require any special kitchen utensils; they are vegan and raw! I’m a big fan of superfood powders and I loved mixing some […]
Kitchari is one of the most popular Ayurvedic dishes. It is a highly nutritious meal, often used in Ayurvedic detox treatments. In India, some locals there told me it is considered the food to eat when you feel unwell because it is so nourishing, easy to prepare and to digest.Kitchari can be made in different […]
Full moons are a time of reflection, silent contemplation and rest. The tension created by the sun and the moon opposing one another can also signify the internal conflicts we may experience between the masculine & feminine energies within us all. When there is an imbalance between the two, we can experience frustration, irritability, mood […]
We often think of self-care as a pampering regime, and this is true to an extent. Whatever makes us feel good and relaxed can fall into this category. A massage, a spa day, having a nap etc are all great ways to incorporate more self-care into our life. These however take time and sometimes require […]
As the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda is based on 3 different constitutions (doshas) which determine a person’s individual nature (physically, mentally and emotionally). The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha and each one is represented by 2 of the 5 universal elements. As yoga and Ayurveda go together, below are the style of […]
Ayurveda teaches us to get to know ourselves better through maintaining a healthy lifestyle which best supports our predominant dosha. Whilst some can sound “healthy”, they might not be congruent with our Ayurvedic body constitution. Learn about some the do’s and don’ts of each dosha. KAPHA Represented by the elements of water and earth, Kapha predominant individuals […]
Freshly squeezed juices are a great and effective way to feed our body with the vitamins and nutrients. Knowing which fruits and vegetables are best suited for our predominant Ayurveda dosha can benefit our overall wellness and aid to a healthier digestion. VATA JUICENourishing and warming Vegetables and fruits such as beetroot, peaches, bananas and […]
1. Make peace with your past. What has happened already is gone. Learn from those experiences and add them to your wisdom in the present actions you take. 2. It’s ok to be single. Date, take your time to love and enjoy yourself and focus on you. The more you align your energy and create happiness for yourself, […]