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Category: Uncategorized

Aug 10
Partner yoga asanas for balance and flexibility

Partner or buddy asana practice is a great way to connect with your partner, friends or loved ones. There is something magical when we share the practice with others and receive support into the asanas.Partner asana practice helps two people connect on a deeper level, cultivating patience with one another, trust and acceptance. Here are […]

Aug 08
Which yoga practice style suits you based on your Ayurveda dosha?

As the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda is based on 3 different constitutions (doshas) which determine a person’s individual nature (physically, mentally and emotionally). The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha and each one is represented by 2 of the 5 universal elements. As yoga and Ayurveda go together, below are the style of […]

Aug 03
Therapeutic yoga sequence for stress and feeling overwhelmed

Asana practice can teach us a lot more than just focusing on our physical ability. Although it is a part of the yoga philosophy, practicing asanas can bring us in closer connection to our true essence and away from our daily distractions. Whilst there are many different styles now accessible to us, and we see […]

May 08
How to succeed at everything you do

Have you ever felt that deep burning desire within you to do something great? You felt it everywhere, in your bones, in your flesh; your mind would be pumping with ideas of what you could do, your heart would beat faster because you know how it would feel to be amazing at something, to create, […]

Feb 25
How to see heartbreak as a blessing

Throughout my life, I’ve been blessed enough to experience some epic break-ups, some which brought me heartbreak, others a sense of relief. I refer to them as a blessing because I have learnt so much from all these relationships. Of course, I only came to this realisation during the aftermath and after letting go of […]

Nov 08
Types of yoga: a guide to different styles of asana practice

Whether you are new to yoga or you have already established a committed practice, it is useful to know and understand the different styles of asana practice. Firstly, it’s important to know that when a person says “I do yoga” it doesn’t necessarily have to refer to physical postures (asanas). Yoga is a lifestyle and […]

Oct 19
Learning how to trust

One of the most important ingredients for any type of human relationship is trust. Without trust, we are not able to completely open up to another person. But what I have learned over the years is that it’s not so much about the trust between ourselves and others, as it is about the trust we […]

Aug 21
How to choose your social relationships

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life is to surround myself with the “right” people. The saying you are who you surround yourself with is very much a valid statement and it’s important to choose wisely. We are social beings by nature and we are part of a collective consciousness that is bigger […]

Aug 19
Why it’s good to feel lost sometimes

Whenever I look back at the toughest moment of my life, I can’t help but feel some sense of satisfaction. Whether I realized it at the time or not, those moments where I saw nothing but darkness, were actually the ones that shed the most light on my path later on. Life is not meant to […]

Jul 01
7 things to focus on this year

From my personal experience, I can say these next 7 principles are completely life changing if done right. They will lay out the foundation for you to see exactly what you are made of and how far you can go.  FIND YOUR INNER TRUTHYou may think this is some kind of hippie, la di da […]