
Learn about 6 yoga asanas that may help with lumbar lordosis.
Lumbar lordosis is an incorrect posture of the spine in which there is an exaggerated extension of the lumbar spine/lower back. This area naturally has a slight curvature, so adding to this, will not only create an imbalance in the whole physical body posture & spine but it also weakens that area.
When there is lumbar lordosis, the pelvis is in an anterior tilt, which causes the extra arching of the lower back. This creates a further imbalance by bringing the glutes backwards more. The core is therefore not used, which means that these very important muscles become weaker, affecting the whole body posture. Over time and if not corrected, lumbar lordosis may cause a lot of physical discomfort & lower back pain.
To help correct this, we can focus on developing strength in the core, glutes and hamstrings to support the lower back in its correct position. Some key asanas that may help us with this are those which benefit these areas by creating strength and balance. Asanas which strengthen the back muscles are also helpful to practice for lumbar lordosis as well as those which stretch the whole spine.
On a subtle body aspect and considering the chakras/energy channels, the main chakras which are located around the lumbar spine in the energy body are the root chakra, Muladhara and the sacral chakra, Swadisthana.
The root chakra is our centre of grounding, security and stability in life. It also represents many aspects of our conditioned behaviours and beliefs which we develop in life. If this very important energy channel is out of balance, this can also reflect in our life.
Swadisthana is the energy channel of joy, creativity and pleasure. Imbalances in this channel can result in different ways such as loss of joy or confusion as to what we enjoy/how we experience pleasure as well as creating stagnation in our mind.
I’m not saying that lumbar lordosis will present these aspect, but from an energy aspect of the body, each area is connected with one of these main chakras and these two are in that area.
Strengthens the whole body, particularly the core and it brings the body in its alignment when practiced correctly.
It is the key foundational asana for most of the seated asanas which means it sets the guidance and structure. It keeps the body in the correct alignment when seated, using the core muscles and the body is active overall, resulting in strength as well as mental focus.
Keeps the whole body active and strong whilst stretching the spine, opens the chest and shoulders and developing strength in the quads.
A key standing asana which strengthens the legs, glutes and core muscles. It also lengthens the spine and opens the shoulders and chest.
Focuses primarily on core strength development.
Helps to develop strength and stability in the legs and glutes, as well as the core. It helps with the pelvic alignment and the hips and opens the chest and shoulders. Virabhadrasana III is also helpful to practice.