
The 6 qualities needed for success in yoga as presented in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the oldest and most in depth texts of Hatha Yoga. It was compiled and created by Swami Swatmarama in approximately the 15th century. Here, we can get an understanding of many yogic practices which […]
Asana practice is perhaps the most commonly known forms of yoga worldwide from the whole yoga philosophy. It is part of the Raja yoga path by Sage Patanjali, as the third limb amongst the eight. Although asana practice is a powerful tool we have available in our life, the way we practice it matters. Our […]
Yoga as a philosophy is much more complex and goes beyond our practice on the mat. The philosophy presents us with four paths (karma, bhakti, raja, jnana) which we can choose based on our character and temperament, to take us on a spiritual journey towards self-knowledge. Although these paths are different in their practices, they […]
The following are 5 important principles of yoga asana practice based on my experience, learning and teaching. Asana practice is a beautiful and life long journey. As a part of the yoga philosophy teachings, asanas are a great tool towards becoming stronger mentally and physically, adaptable and flexible, steady and focused, compassionate and humble. Sometimes […]
Karma yoga is one of the four paths of yoga and it is described as the path of action. The word karma means action and it is practiced by being of service. Sometimes it can be misunderstood that karma yoga is only practiced as a volunteer, renouncing to getting anything back in return. But this […]
Taking the Yoga Philosophy on the mat – How can we apply the Yamas in our asana practice… The Yoga philosophy of Patanjali (Raja yoga) provides us with 8 clear steps towards enlightenment or freedom/Moksha. These 8 limbs of yoga (yamas, nyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi) are the pillars of Raja yoga and […]
One of the most beautiful aspects of yoga is that it is a complete life philosophy (in my opinion). Through continuous daily practice we can learn, understand and experience it. The practice is not limited to the mat, asana is just one of the “tools” we can use. Actually the true wisdom of yoga is […]
One of the most important aspects of a yogic lifestyle is discipline and creating a daily yoga routine that you will actually stick with requires commitment. Life is busy and we tend to fill our days with so many different activities, some useful, some not. But our wellbeing should always be a priority. If we feel […]
The path toward self-realisation is different for everybody. All individuals have their own unique character and personality with which they explore this physical world. Through the practice of yoga, one can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and get to know their true nature. The yoga journey is an everlasting exploration of the self through […]
Explore the journey of backbending yoga asanas. The practice of yoga constantly reveals to us a new beginning. As we allow ourselves to let go and feel free in the physical body, we also start to experience clarity of mind. And if we are brave enough to completely trust the process of our asana practice, […]