
Learn more about Prasarita Padottanasana with the variations A, B, C & D. Prasaritta Padottanasana known in English as standing wide-legged forward fold, is a beautiful asana that helps us to develop grounding and stability. As a standing posture, it activates Muladhara, the root chakra which represents the foundation of our practice on the mat, […]
How to develop compassion according to yoga philosophy. Socrates once wrote that “The people who are the hardest to love, need it the most”. At times, when we come across a person who is more “difficult to interact” with, there is judgement created. Often people who seem the toughest on the outside, are indeed the ones who […]
Yoga asanas variations using the chair .Using the chair as a prop for our practice can be super useful. The chair is often used and part of the Iyengar practice style, which always focuses on alignment and steadiness in an asana. This is actually what asana practice is about, finding our steadiness of posture and mind, […]
A gentle yoga practice for stress relief and feeling burnout. This is a beautiful and gentle restorative yoga practice which may help to relax the body and mind. It focuses primarily on two main energy centres, Swadisthana (the sacral chakra) and Anahata (the heart chakra). Both of these have influence on our emotional states and […]
Explore the meaning of Satya and living in truthfulness according to Yoga Philosophy. In the Ashtanga eightfold path/8 limbs of yoga by Patanjali, the second of the Yamas (social behavioural conduct) is Satya, truthfulness.Satya is a Sankrit word which can be linked with the meaning of truthfulness. Following the first of the yamas which is […]
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali provides clear information on what yoga is and its practices. As one of the most popular texts for yoga teachers and yogi aspirants who want to reach self-realisation, the Yoga Sutras is comprised in 4 different sections, each one offering information on the different levels and ways of practice, explaining […]
Understanding the differences between working out and a yoga asana practice. It is quite common these days for some people to think of asana practice as a workout. I have seen it many times in my classes, when students just want to “do a sweaty flow” or power practice. And this is ok, because asana […]
Take some time to relax with this gentle asana practice to let go of mental stress and physical tension.Taking a more gentle approach in our yoga practice is needed to maintain a balanced body and mind. Especially so as we tend to live such busy lifestyles and experience stress often. Anytime we feel stressed, this […]
Learn about these 5 important aspects to support your asana practice. On our mat, we encounter pleasant experiences as well as challenges. Both are needed because (in my opinion) although our practice starts on the mat, to fully transform it into a lifestyle, we must learn to take its teachings in our daily life. And […]
A gentle duo asana practice to stretch and let go of stress together. When it comes to asana practice, we should never feel pressured to accomplish anything. It is ultimately a personal sadhana (spiritual practice) that when done with devotion, love and commitment, it can help us to realise our true self, beyond the body […]