
A gentle asana practice for monthly cycle.
During our monthly cycle, a lot is happening in the body. Our system is cleansing itself, therefore during this time, according to Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga), we can focus on doing less/more gentle physical or external effort in general so that we don’t disrupt the flow of apana prana.
Apana prana is responsible for the waste or excretion of the bodily fluids. During our cycle, apana prana is more active as it is removing toxins from the body. This is why in Ayurveda, it is not advised to practice inversions during the monthly cycle time as it can interfere with the flow of this prana, which moves downwards.
The asanas most suited for this period of the month are hip opening, gentle twists and some other seated or reclined asanas. Hip opening yoga postures stimulate Swadisthana (the sacral chakra) which is around the area of apana prana. This can help to support the apana prana activity. Gentle twists can also be practiced because they are known for their detoxifying and cleansing benefits. Some seated asanas are also supportive, particularly as they help us become more grounded and balanced. The lower part of the body is governed by Muladhara the root chakra, so any asanas that focus on activating this energy channel can help us to feel more stable and steady. This is also the main area of apana prana.
The sequence below focuses on all the above areas. It is a gentle asana practice yet effective and supportive for the period of the monthly cycle. Yoga props can be used to assist the body into each asana.
*If you are pregnant, have any injuries, past/recent surgery, check with your GP first.
English name: Lizard pose
Focuses on: both the hip flexors and hip extensors
Hold for: 3 minutes on each side
English name: One legged king pigeon pose
Focuses on: both the hip flexors and hip extensors
Hold for: 4 minutes on each side
English name: Seated wide legged forward fold
Focuses on: inner thighs/groin area
Hold for: 2 minutes
English name: Reclined hero
Focuses on: lower back and quadriceps
Hold for: 3 minutes
English name: Reclined spinal twist
Focuses on: spine mobility
Hold for: 2 minutes on each side
English name: Banana pose (it is a yin yoga asana)
Focuses on: intercostal muscles and spine mobility
Hold for: 2 minutes on each side
English name: Corpse pose
Focuses on: relaxation
Hold for: 10 minutes or longer