
Take some time to relax with this gentle asana practice to let go of mental stress and physical tension.Taking a more gentle approach in our yoga practice is needed to maintain a balanced body and mind. Especially so as we tend to live such busy lifestyles and experience stress often. Anytime we feel stressed, this […]
Yin and restorative yoga are often confused as being the same style of practice. Both practices are created to channel in the yin energy, which is the more calm, receptive and passive. They both help to calm the nervous system and bring stillness to the body and mind, holding the asana for longer, releasing resistance […]
Asana practice can teach us a lot more than just focusing on our physical ability. Although it is a part of the yoga philosophy, practicing asanas can bring us in closer connection to our true essence and away from our daily distractions. Whilst there are many different styles now accessible to us, and we see […]